This article give information what you could to with the information on the DNA what is possible to check because of the DNA/RNA kits. It is important that scientists do their work as good as possible. This is important because DNA and RNA tells a lot of important information. If you want to know which information could come out of the research that is possible with DNA/RNA kits read further.
The first thing you could do with the information what is on the DNA is solve crimes. When there is a crime and the person who did is flew it is possible that someone let his DNA at the place of crime. The DNA can be found in a hair or fingerprint. When the DNA is checked by the scientists it is possible to find the person who did it.
DNA tells a lot of a person and it will also tell it if someone has a disease or something like that. In the DNA it is possible to get insights in the disease that there will be in the future. When you know that in an early stage it is possible to cure it before it is to late. This will helps a lot with curing disease.
Finding your parents
When you are adopted it is possible that you do not know who your parents are. Some people who do not know who their parents are come at a age that they want to know. Then it is possible to do research and you will maybe find them. It is also possible to do DNA research. Your parents have the same DNA as you have. Because your DNA is a mix from the DNA of your father and mother. So good luck finding your parents with the help of the DNA/RNA kits.