CleanNA make products that helps scientist doing research to DNA. This is important for many researches. The first reason is to help improve the quality of live. But that is not the reason why this article is written. This article gives information about how you can find your biological parents. Some people be adopted and wanted to know who their father is. This is possible with DNA research. But how could you find your father so CleanNA can use their products with DNA research.
Your family
The first way to find your biological father is to ask your adoption parents about it. They can give you information about how you are adopted and in most times who your father is. The adoption parents adopted your possible form and house where you were staying. In most cases the adoption parents meet with the biological parents. When this is not with your case you will get some other information, what help you further with your investigation.
When you have all the information you need form your adoption parents the research can begin. The internet is a smart way to get more information about your biological parents. You can search to the place you were adopted. Another way you can search to your family name. Your biologic name of course. You will probably get the whole family tree and then it is possible to find your biological parents. It is also possible to ask the birth register to the information you needed. It is not easy to find your biological parents if they do not want you to find them. But never give up when you want to see them.
When you find your biological parents and they do not say they are your parents you can do an DNA test. This test with the chemicals from CleanNa gives you the answer you like.