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What can we do with DNA?

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CleanNA is a company that make products that help the scientists with their work. It is important that those scientists continue their work and that is the reason why this article is written. This article gives information about the meaning of DNA and what you can do with it. Due this article it is possible that everybody knows why it is important that continue with making their products and why this is important.


DNA is in every cell in the human body. Not only in the human body, but also in animals and plants. DNA looks like a twisted stair and is miniscule. Between the two stems there are genes. Those genes tell everything about the person, animal or plant where it is in. This will tell everything about the way the body is build up and how it looks like and how it works. The DNA you have is from your mother and father. It is a mix between the DNA from your mother and father.

DNA research

It is important that scientists doing research to DNA. This is important because it could improve the quality of life. It is not easy doing the research because DNA is not easy to work with. That is the reason CleanNA made products that help scientists with their research. They make chemicals that protect the information that is in the DNA. Without the products CleanNA made it is not possible for the scientists work with it.

The importance

It is important that scientists continue their research to DNA. This is important for many reasons. The first reason is the quality of life. With the results it is possible to get insights in the fact if someone has a disease or has a big change to get one. With this information it is possible to cure it before it even is there in a dangerous stage.


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