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Unpleasant intestinal flora

Foto van schrijver: BeheerderBeheerder

Each one of us have different bowel movements. Although, not many people are taking the time to examine their stool while it could tell you a lot about your digestive health. The frequency of toilet visits in the “normal” situation can vary for each of us. But what does it say about your health? You can use a feces collector for this.

Your stool is telling a lot about your current state of digestive health. The Bristol Stool scale come in handy to examine your own stool. The first two are telling that you are constipated, number three to four is the most healthy state while five up to seven are referring to diarrhea. Another factor beside the shape and structure of the stool is the color. It should have the typically brown color. If you find blood in the stool there is possibility that it is caused by a bowel polyp or a tumor.

Abdominal complaint

Having abdominal complaints is very common. On an early age the chances of gaining abdominal complaint is a lot higher. This is due to the immune system that still needs to develop against certain normal bacteria. Although the change of gaining diarrhea for adults is a lot lower, the cause is also different. The main cause for diarrhea are viruses of which the most common ones are the Rota and Norovirus. These viruses are mostly passing without any medical intervention. Also antibiotics like Clostridium Difficile can disrupt the intestinal flora and result in having diarrhea.

Different bowel diseases

Although you have not been traveling and ate well prepared food, long term diarrhea can be occurred by diseases as Colitis Ulcerosa of Crohn’s disease which are autoimmune bowel diseases. These diseases are being named inflammatory bowel diseases and are being caused by a chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. You will notice blood and mucus while going to the toilet. Whenever you’re having doubts, a calprotectin test could give you the answer.

There are more issues that results in having abdominal complaints. Therefore we recommend to first consult your healthcare provider and ask if you could send your feces to a research lap.

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